Composition Premiere at Bop Stop (Cleveland, OH)
A new 17-piece jazz orchestra composition will be premiered celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Bop Stop in Cleveland, OH.
Composition Premier with the ONJ Youth Jazz Orchestra
EN - After an intense week of masterclasses, coaching and meetings, the 8 trainees of the composition academy present their creations to you, performed by the ONJ youth orchestra under the direction of Claude Barthélemy (More information to come soon.)
FR - Après une semaine intense de masterclasses, coaching et rencontres, les 8 stagiaires de l'académie de composition vous présentent leurs créations, interprétées par l'orchestre des jeunes de l'ONJ sous la direction de Claude Barthélemy. (Plus d’informations à venir prochainement.)
New Composition Premier - UNL Jazz Orchestra (Lincoln, NE)
The University of Nebraska Lincoln Jazz Orchestra will be premiering my piece "Speed (The World In Slow Motion)" at The Storm Cellar in Lincoln, NE. This piece was commissioned by Dr. Greg Simon for the University of Nebraska Lincoln Jazz Orchestra.